Friday, September 27, 2013

I'll be 34 real soon.  But I'll not wait for that exact day to be able to write this reflection.

What I would tell my younger self (teen to early 20's):

Dear Jade of the past,

Not to worry about boys of your dreams not falling for you (MV was gorgeous but he would't be).  Be assured you'll be very blessed with a future husband, and together, you'll gifted with the greatest kids you'll give your life for.  And an old friend was right, cut yourself some slack, you do have to believe in yourself.  It's not that you don't but you do need some more extra boost.  And being an introvert isn't a disease, it's just another type of personality, albeit, an often times misunderstood one.  It's just an opposite of being an extrovert, but it's just as normal.  You'll find that what everyone really needs, be he the life of the party or someone who doesn't mind hibernating the whole year round, is just a few good, real, loyal friends... them you can count on your fingers.

Next, try harder to know what you want in life.   It's absolutely ok to go with the flow, as long as you know that the flow is going towards your dreams, and not flow away from it.  If you have only tried harder to think about what end you have in mind, you would've found out that you're actually an artist and not a scientist.  You like to be inspired, to write, to sing, to know how to play a musical instrument, to engage in martial arts, and to cry over beautiful things like the strength of the human spirit.  You like to travel, to see the world (and do so in comfort and in style).  You also like food.  You should hang out with your mom in the kitchen, to know her secret recipes, that way you wouldn't have to bother about going to culinary classes which I haven't done yet, but we'll get to that.

For now, that's all the most important lessons from your future.  Of course there are other issues which I haven't resolved, and so I can't comment on them right now.  But knowing and applying the things above can get you far and can save you from a lot of trouble.

34 years old Jade

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