Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Attempting Homemaking

Home Economics was a subject in middle school that I should have paid very good attention to.  Or, I should have taken up in college instead.  Good Housekeeping 101, anyone?

It's just so tempting to buy a CD collection being peddled online!  And it's aptly titled The Homemaker's Mentor.  The sample files are such eye candies!

But then, part of me tells me to buy this book instead:

Even if I don't cook, I have several cookbooks in my bookshelf already.  Although they will still have to be tried and tested by yours truly.  And I do plan to enroll in a culinary school someday.  Now if they only offer a crash course...

I also have a nanny/babysitter manual, a maid manual, and a handy book on cleaning, organizing, and decorating a home.

When it comes to decluttering, at least I can say I have can me unemotional when tossing out things.  I do enjoy spring cleaning (even if there is no such season in the country I live in).

And so, among the things mentioned above, this should be included in my quest for homemaking.

Going to the market, how to pick stuff, and tell their freshness, and how much, for how long I should buy.
Aside from cooking, meal planning.
Giving a haircut.
Sewing clothes, and making basic patterns.  Hey, I want to make my own sundress, and tea dress!  Making repairs, and using the sewing machine.
Entertaining at home
Emergencies such as first aid (yeah, I'm a doctor!), disaster preparedness
Gardening my very own vegetable, and herb garden, with some fruits.
Mastering manners for moving up
Family records
Personal style 101

Looks like a long list.  Where shall we get started?  WHEN shall we get started?!

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